Lynx: Authenticated Anonymous Real-Time Reporting of Electric Vehicle Information
With the proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs), EV battery charging will be a significant load on the power grid, and thus it will have to be optimized. Many proposed optimizations rely on predicted EV information, such as future trip start time and battery State-of-Charge (SoC), for load management, charg-ing scheduling, V2G profit optimization, etc. Prediction in turn would benefit from real-time information about the EVs, while they are on the road, i.e., before arriving at the charging facility. A real-time reporting framework is thus necessary so that EVs can report status information to the utility in a timely fashion. In this paper we present Lynx, an authenticated anonymous real-time reporting protocol. Lynx allows an EV to send anonymous reports using pseudonyms that are unlinkable to its true identity. At the same time, the utility can verify that the reports come from some authentic EV without knowing the exact identity of the EV that sends the report. To encourage EV participation, Lynx allows the utility to issue anonymous receipts to EVs, which can be used later by the EVs to anonymously claim credits. Lynx minimizes computation overhead during real-time reporting, and our imple-mentation on Raspberry Pi 2 shows that report generation and verification can be done within 10 ms.
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