Charging Facility Planning for Electric Vehicles
With the fast development and growth of Electric Vehicles (EV) in use, finding optimal locations for charging facilities became a critical issue since growth of EVs heavily depends on the availability of public charging facilities. Several researches have been done related to this topic considering optimal locations of charging stations on road networks. In this paper, we extend the problem by also taking into account optimal locations of charging pads which uses inductive charging technology. Flow Refueling Location Model (FRLM) was proposed to maximize the refueled traffic flow by allocating a fixed number of facilities, e.g., gas stations. This paper extends FRLM to consider both charging station and charging pad allocation to maximize the recharged EV flow. Evaluation on a sample network shows that deploying charging pads on road network enables us to capture more traffic flow compared to only locating charging stations. Charging pad deployment also significantly shortens the charging time spent by EV drivers.
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