Research, Internships, and Summer Opportunities
TCIPG has a rich history of producing academic, industry, and entrepreneurial leaders who are passionate about trustworthy cyber infrastructure for power and smart grids. Graduate and undergraduate students enrolled at TCIPG partner institutions may seek research assistantships or internships. Interested prospects should consult directly with their campus unit and faculty involved in their specific area of research interest.
TCIPG partner institutions also routinely offer undergraduate research opportunities and internships. Some internships are targeted at students enrolled at a partner institution, others are targeted at undergraduates at any institution with an interest in pursuing graduate research in this field. More information is available from each TCIPG campus site coordinator or administrator:
- Dartmouth: Dr. Sean W. Smith
- Arizona State University: Dr. Anna Scaglione
- Illinois: Information Trust Institute at the University of Illinois and the Illinois College of Engineering
- Washington State University: Dr. Adam Hahn
Students enrolled in a degree-granting program at a university or college in the United States are also encouraged to apply for scholarships to attend TCIPG Summer Schools.
Reading Group
The Reading Group is comprised of student researchers from all TCIPG campuses who actively work on TCIPG research or have an interest in trustworthy cyber infrastructure for power grid. The purpose of this student-led group is to fill the knowledge disconnect between computer and power engineering.
Degree Programs
Two of TCIPG's academic institutions offer master's education programs aimed at professionals working in power and energy systems:
- Professional Master's Degree in Electric Power Engineering - this online program is offered at Washington State University.
- Master of Engineering in Energy Systems - this one-year program is offered at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Master of Science in Engineering in Electrical Engineering - this online program is offered at Arizona State University.
Training for the Future
TCIPG is developing a training platform that facilitates the rapid education of a wide variety of participants on important aspects of smart grid cyber security. The training platform will consist of presentations and hands-on training exercises that will aid in the education of interested parties in research, industry, and government. More information about the research and development of this platform is available at: