Securing the smarter grid of the future requires an engaged and informed society.
TCIPG approaches this challenge on many levels.
- Download PDF of current Fact Sheet
- Download PDF of current Research Poster (from 2014 Industry Workshop)
Education Cross-Cutting Overview
Presented at the 2014 Industry Workshop
Download PDF of slides from presentation.
Interactive Learning Tools
These TCIPG goodies are popular with the public across many age groups!
- Tesla Town App for iPad or Android
- TCIPG Minecraft Power World
- Online applets for the classroom and home
- Posters and Trading Cards
- Interactive Kits and Models - solar house kit, solar car kit and Smarter Electric Grid and PowerPark tabletop models.
Public Outreach
- Partnerships with local Project Lead the Way and KidWind
- Password Safety Posters for the workplace and community.
- TCIPG also engages in public outreach with local schools, libraries, and museums in the communities of our partner institutions. One example is an ongoing interactive "Mission Smart Grid" exhibit at the Orpheum Children's Science Museum. The exhibit, which is supported and co-developed by TCIPG, teaches visitors about electricity production and delivery by exploring how new technologies will increase options for consumers to use electronic devices to manage their electricity consumption. The Illinois campus also participates in the annual Engineering Open House and provides science kits to a local library.
Seminar Series on Technologies for a Resilient Power Grid
Our monthly seminar series is broadcast live on the web during the academic year and archived on YouTube.
Summer Schools
Our week-long, intensive summer schools provide academics and practitioners with essential principles of cybersecurity and power grid systems, with an emphasis on understanding how to apply these concepts to an evolving, smarter energy system. Participants may qualify for Professional Development Hours (PDH) and Continuing Education Units (CEU).
Professional Master's Degree Programs
Two of TCIPG's academic institutions offer master's education programs aimed at professionals working in power and energy systems:
- Professional Master's Degree in Electric Power Engineering - this online program is offered at Washington State University
- Master of Engineering in Energy Systems - this one-year program is offered at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Short Courses, Workshops, Hands-On Training
TCIPG is regularly invited to present workshops and short courses to small groups of utility, industry vendors, and government stakeholders. We are also developing a training platform that facilitates the rapid education of a wide variety of participants on important aspects of smart grid cyber security.
Annual Industry Workshop
This workshop aims to continue to ongoing dialogue among industry, utilities, government, and TCIPG researchers that leverages key strengths of each community and brings us closer to common cybersecurity goals. By invitation only to active members of our Industry Interaction Board.