Real Time Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Power System
Ongoing smart grid activities have resulted in proliferation of intelligent devices and associated Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to enable enhanced system monitoring and control. Integration of ICT has led to an increase in the number of cyber assets and requires cyber-physical study for system analysis. In order to realize the vision of a smarter grid, it is necessary to understand the complex relationship between cyber and physical domains, and potential impacts on the power grid due to successful cyber-physical attacks. In order to understand this coupling, cyber physical test bed can help to model and simulate the smart grid with sufficient level of detail. In this chapter, an introduction to the smart electric grid and the challenges associated with the development of cyber-power test bed is presented. The integration of Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) and Network Simulator 3 (NS3) to realize a real time cyber-power test bed is discussed with the implementation of an example application.
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